Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Last Days of Magic

 My cousin Camille visited me for a week. When i am with her, i am just so happy and inspired.


We met Polly, my friend from Italy ! it was just perfect :) We went second hand shopping

old photos..


 and clothes,


 We watched Royal Tenenbaum


Camille was lucky, we have a lot of snow


 We went to the library


 We watched Tales of the City

"-I have my day off, do you wanna stay over ? 
-no, i can't, i am expecting a phone call.."

We played tourists

 "quoi de neuf sur Facebook ?"


 How lame to get home and read Facebook notifications saying this :  

 we ate too much..

Camille keeps a little journal :)


Some quotes of the week: 
 "c'est juste abject !!" 
 "Smooth !!" 
"On peut pas faire confiance à un remplaçant en chemise hawaïenne, ça me parait évident.." 

We watched Home Alone, it's a tradition: 
"- tu te bécotes partout avec tout le monde, Snuffy, Al, Leo, Keldy Moy avec sa jambe de bois, le grec, Boule de flamme, Cliff !! 
- non !! c'est un autre !!"

I took some Polaroids

We took the Djugården boat


 The weather was quite cold, but in a nice fresh way :)


 funny poster


 Our future house :)


 We made pancakes


 We got attacked by a snowcat !


 But then we saw that he was friendly :)


 Now she's gone, and i am all sad...


jules said...

Sounds like super fun, and those photos are wonderful!

Placide said...

Avec un de ces petits frigos qu'on peut ouvrir avec une clé.
J'ai oublié mes animaux à ta maison n'est ce pas ?
Huge Poutoux mon béeubon d'amour <3

melange muse said...

cute cute post! looks like fun!
I loved your cousins scarf and i want all those leather boots in that picture.

Anonymous said...

très jolies photos d'une ville que pour l'instant je n'ai vue que l'été !

Camilla said...

It seems like you had such a perfect time! I love all the pictures. Stockholm is so pretty with all the snow :)
That Facebook-thing was so mean! I can't believe it...
Oh and good thing the cat was friendly - it seemed a bit scary.

Gretchen said...

Thank you for sharing your magical time with your cousin, Camille. Lovely and enchanting! Facebook is stupid (you are adorable)...

Anonymous said...

lovely post : ) looks like you had fun. i like the old photos you bought, so must atmosphere. the royal tenenbaums is one of my favorite films! so much fun and you had pancakes mmmmm perfect!

Pauline said...

Ne sois pas triste, elle va revenir !!
J'adore l'ambiance hivernale de ce post, le gros chat de neige tout bancal, les cheveux platine de Camille, la petite fleur dans tes cheveux, le dessin du petit pain à la cannelle... enfin tout !!

Anonymous said...

it looks like you had the perfect day. everything is beautiful!

Nathan Williams said...

these pictures are all really great.

Anonymous said...

lovely post....I'm dreaming away..! seems like you had so much fun:)

Anonymous said...

Je comprends ta tristesse après le départ de Camille... reprend courage, les beaux et longs jours vont revenir.
Tes photos anciennes et récentes sont bien jolies et on pense à toi

famapa said...

looks like you had a wonderful week. I hope you two get to live in the same city soon!

btw, have you seen "rushmore", the film wes anderson made before "the royal tenenbaums"? if not, hunt it down! i think it's the best one of his films :)

littlebyrd said...

Lovely lovely lovely pictures!

Anonymous said...

oh Stockholm, j'y étais aussi Quelques jours la semaine dernière, avec mon amoureux chez une copine suédoise! on est rentré lundi... c'était tellement bien!
mais tu n'habites pas à Stockholm si?
et les Kannellbulle c'est trop bon!

Katrine said...

Great post. I understand why you miss your cousin.

Melanie said...

cute post!!

Mandy said...

Wonderful blog miss. This post is so fun!
