This is pretty much how i looked when my computer crashed this summer.
I was watching American Psycho, which i had never seen, and suddenly it crashed.
Unlike Carrie, I didn't have any purple pashmina to wrap it in, but luckily,
I could bring it to my super computer skilled uncle, who was able to bring it back to life. EMPTY.
(Sadly, like Carrie, i'm not crazy about back up) :(
This is why I need your help !
I lost all my music, all my internet favorites etc...
I need you to send me links to beautiful blogs and sites ! Music tracks that made your summer !
Or anything you think one should have in their computer !!
Send it to contact@fifikoussout.com !!
I count on you !!
I'll make a special blog post with a Summer Playlist, with the best of what you'll send me so everybody can enjoy it!
Noooo!!! I'm so sorry to hear that! What about all your photos?!
oh no! I am sorry to hear that you've lost all the stuff on your computer! :-(
I have decided to send you something nice to listen to... just check your e-mail! ;-)
p.s. next time: back up, please! ;-)
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