Sunday, February 15, 2009

Freak Show

Oh my, i had the weirdest day yesterday, i was panicking, feeling so stressed out, and physically paralysed, for no reason !!
It was roller coaster all day, mood swings and asthma crisis... terrible !

by *

And then when i went out to meet friends for dinner,
every people i crossed looked scary, ulgy or threatening,
as if i was walking in a freak show !!
I don't know if it's the combination of Friday 13th and Valentine's Day, but it was awful !

by me :)

A bit like this !
by *

we went for cocktail with my cousin, her toaster and i :)

yeah it's a long story... i told you it was a weird day !


Pauline said...

J'adore l'ambiance glauque que tu arrives à créer avec 3 fois rien : un singe, un grille-pain, un arbre...
Pfiou ! J'en ai la chair de poule !!

Camilla said...

This sounds so creepy!! I'm gonna have nightmares about that monkey :S

Anonymous said...

uff! sounds like a very strange day! the look on that monkey's face says it all : ) love the light in the first pic with the trees.

Anonymous said...

great sound track for that day...

; said...

oh no, poor you! hope you felt more peaceful today.

melange muse said...

Oh dear...I hope the week goes better for you!

Anonymous said...

Allez Bouezette; souris la vie est belle et devant toi. C'est ces longues nuits interminables qui te mettent le moral down!!!! Ne peux-tu pas te payer un éclairge intérieur imitant la lumière du jour? Ca existe et ça te remonterait le moral...
Poutous de Copé

Windy Days said...

Aww I have days like this too. Maybe you had a panic attack? They are the most awful things. :(
Hope you feel better soon.