I realize it's been quite a while since i've given you little news from the city of my dreams :)
so let's do some catching up !
Well, first in March is snowed again,
and of course french people complained..
Then it almost said "Alice's house" on the façade of Kulturhuset :) i haven't find out why..
At some point, they decorated NK galeries as a circus
while in StockholmStadsMission they were saling many cameras !
Then the sun came back
and the sky looked like this
so i went to take pictures with Mr Diamond (he's the one on the left, on the right, it's a statue)
this is the inside of my wooly hat
that poster is all over the city
I went to a weird experimental music concert
but then i was sick
so i stayed home
and occupied myself
then it was time to eat on the balcony for the first time :)
then i had fun in the forest with my friend Suzanne
this little guy is in the window of a store in Götgatan
and this was like this today when i walked in Drottninggatan,
before i went to the park, to relax in the sun :)
et voilà !
I love this post. It's so great to see more about what you've been up to, and it really seems nice :)
It's so cool what they did with all the clothes in Drottninggaten!!
loooooooooove it!
Merci pour la balade !! J'adore Stockholm, moi aussi !
Lovely post and pictures : )
i really love this post. i wish you'd post more like this.. it's just so interesting in a way that it's sort of abstract but still understandable in a way. does that make sense..? i hope so!
look at your little baby basil plants! so cute. that lunch looks delicious
this is fabulous! i love it! xx
Il y avait vraiment des vetements dans la rue ?
c'est magnifique <3
oh peuchère !
ils sont bien misérables ces plants de basilic !!!
c'est pas avec çà qu'on va pouvoir cuisiner correctement ....
c'est cet hiver qui est trop long !
autant pour les plantes que pour les gens !
(à lire avé l'assent)
Beautiful pictures! especially the photo of the clothes hanging out!
I totally love this post and I agree with notebookdoodles - you should make more of them. They are like small stories that you want to go on and on. Your whole universe is very magical and poetic. I like! :) Enjoy spring in Stockholm.
les français qui râlent, ça oui, ça m'arrive de les croiser, et ça me passe un peu l'envie de rentrer en France..
awww... this is making me homesick! what a lovely post :)
your posts warm my heart. (:
yes i want to go there I think. lovely post.
Ooooh beautiful!!
Haha, I love the 'he's the one on the left, on the right, it's a statue' :) :)
Where is that place where they sold all these cameras? I want to go there next time I'm in Stockholm!
I dj'ed once at the Kulturhuset...I thought it was a nice place and they had a lot of nice cakes then! :)
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