Monday, November 19, 2012

Feels Familiar?

I think that every person working with creative content (and integrity) feels that way at some point: "Did I come up with that idea myself? Has it been done before? Is my work original?" 
Having that thought in mind, I came across many "twins", things that I saw and thought "hmm seems familiar".. 
So today I'm starting a new section called Feels Familiar.
I'm not necessarily talking about copy, it can sometimes be collective subconscious, inspiration or simply a tribute..

Like I guess it is here in that Portait by Pierre Mornet

Well sometimes I'll be talking about copy.. maybe..

And sometimes it's so well copied it's even impossible to know who inspired whom..



redpen said...

love the snl skit! yes!! : )

DEA said...

Hahahaha know the feeling :D