Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Stranger

(Very) Long story short, i grew up with an absent dad. 
During my whole life, and still now, i subconsciously created a dream dad,
who had no time to love me, because of all the great countries he had to visit,
all the great songs he had to sing, and all the great movies he had to act in.

The great thing is, i wouldn't have enough time to rediscover everything he did !!
Because believe it or not, he's all these men..


Anonymous said...

Your dad is exactly like the mine!!! HIhihihi :)
Have a good & still happy day Alice :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure of that.

Windy Days said...

In a way, I guess everyone has many people they look up to and admire. Leonard Cohen writes such wonderful words.

Hope you're well!

; said...

oh what a sad but beautiful story!!
it's great how you're able to create a dream like that, smart girl!

lovely song!

have a great weekend<3

Anonymous said...

Très interresant, je m'en inspirerai peut-être pour me trouver une maman, on les mettra ensemble ensuite, on sera soeurs de projection et on s'inventera des vies parfaites. Ha non, c'est vrai, les vies parfaites on les a déjà :-))))

Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz day

loveology said...

Oh dear! Such a great post.
It really touched me, although i am not wuite sure why exactly...
Maybe because i miss my own dad a lot...

Bye dear!