Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Heartbreak High

These days i'm watching Heartbreak High like an addict !
I don't know if this Australian series was ever aired in your area of the globe, (it wasn't even that big in Australia)
but it was huge in France in the 90's.
Everyone i know would run home after school to watch it everyday. We would copy the oufits and hairsyles,
and would dream ourselves away, to Sidney..
17 years later (oh my !) I've downloaded the whole thing, and i've watched the first season so far, 38 episodes in few days..
It's so great to rediscover it in original version, (it was of course, f*ing synchonised in french back then)
so now i get to hear everybody speaking with their Australian accent, quite funny !


Ombeline said...

trop bon! je me rappelais plus qu'il y avait une rose dedans! mmmmmmm que de souvenirs!!!
mais t'es pas encore rendue au "bonjour dyclan"

my eye in lo-fi said...

Yes! I used to love HBH! I grew up in northern Australia, and it was really popular among my friends.
Now I live in Sydney and sometimes see the places they used to film scenes - it looks exactly the same.

Camilla said...

I don't think I've ever seen this show, but we totally did the same with 90210. I remember watching it when I came home from school, and I actually think it's still on every afternoon, haha :)

Lou said...

Haha I totally loved Heartbrak High! It was aired in Denmark in the 90'ies too. I might be in for a second round!

Laura said...

Aw i used to love heartbreak high. The theme tune still brings back memories!

Mdmslle. said...

Woah! Never thought someone else would remember this than me!!! GREAT!