Saturday, February 14, 2009



Gretchen said...

simon & garfunkle +old suitcases,+purple flowered birds+teapots= true love!

Me In wondeland said...

i have two old suitcases ,too. they are a bit more worned-out than yours, but I luv them. My grandmother gave them to me.

notebookdoodles said...

you always have the cutest finds!!


Esti said...

bookends... how great!

; said...

great finds! that teapot is sooo nice, I'm jealous! :)

Anonymous said...

Lovelt finds indeed; everything is really really sweet!

Anonymous said...

oooohhhh d'où viennent toutes ces trouvailles??!! la théière est magnifique! et les cadres noires ovales....