Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Very Nice Sunday

On sunday, i went to Lindingö, at my friend Myra's place. 

She put on make up on my other friend Suzanne,

and we went into the woods to take pictures (hundreds) to illustrate her music work.

The weather was perfect, and the area is so beautiful, we really felt like we were in Sweden !

Then we came back at Myra's place, and had hot chocolate :p

And at night, Myra cooked for us, it was so yummy !! And Suzanne and me were drawing at the table, while Myra was cooking, so cosy !


notebookdoodles said...

oh my goodness!! the little red house hidden amongst the snow and trees is absolutely beautiful.

i just want to say that i truly enjoy looking at your photos on your blog. it takes me away to another place and it's just refreshing to see =)


shilvia said...

scrumptious!!! i love this post, the trees, snow and face painting, fun!!! i mentioned you in my blog by the way...i hope you dont mind :D

Camilla said...

What a nice sunday! It's so beautiful with all the snow.
The snow we had in Cph is gone already :(

Wild Keiki said...

I love the face paint!!!!!
It contrasts so well with the snow. I use a lot of masks in my photography, but I will have to start coaxing my models into painted faces!


; said...


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Alice!!! comme ces moments te ressemblent tes photos donnent envie d'aller voir la Suède.... J'ai souffert pour toi avec tes bottes de bateau dans la neige/ c'est froid même ici et ça glisse/ c'est dangereux sur les sols glissants de là-bas. Va vite t'acheter' des bottes plus adaptées;tu pourrais le regretter en cas de chutes et tes pids doivent souffrir
grand-mère Copé

Anonymous said...

Coucou, Alice,
Je viens te visiter La neige me donne vraiment envie de Suède; surtout la maison de Myrta; on dirait une carte postale. P°ense à changer tes bottes pour ta simple sécurité et ta santé.
poutous copé

Toujours Dimanche said...

Je suis Québécoise et, en visitant ton blog que j'aime bien, je suis tombée sur la photo de la maison de Myra, je crois, où il y a, sur le mur, un article du Voir, de Josée Legault... Est-elle Québécoise aussi?