Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Everytime i here that song, i think about early summer in Denmark last year, 
when we were going to parks, concerts, parties... with my sweet friends Camilla and Eva.
I miss this so much, i can't think about it too much otherwise i cry.
It's a chapter of my life that seems so close, but like a dream i had, all went so fast, and now it's over.
They're both so sweet and kind it's unbelivable.
We did so many fun things, like all the concerts, the picnics, Roskilde, Tivoli, Viggo's nights, fajitas, so many great memories...

Girls ! where are you now ??


Camilla said...

Aaaaaaw!!! I miss you too! That song does exactly the same thing to me. I miss all our good times soooo much :(
And where am I now? In bed... sick and bored. This sucks. I wish it could be Summer tomorrow and we would go to Roskilde...

♥ ♥ ♥

Anonymous said...

Pas trop de nostalg' ma pounette . C'est ici et maintenant et le printemps viendra bientôt pointer son nez avec des journées longues, longues

Anonymous said...

Comme c'est beau la jeunesse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Windy Days said...

Sometimes I think about the past and it makes me so sad too...
I hope you are well Alice! It's been awhile. :)

cleolikesyou said...

Haven't been to your blog for a while so I had a lot to catch up.
You have a lot of polaroid cameras, I'm jealous!
Oh how I love your blog..

Anonymous said...

aww, Alice - you're so sweet..! ♥ miss you too. and picnics and summertime. and Viggo-nights :)

we will come and visit you soon, I hope. I'll talk to Millou and make plans...
